Valkyrie RTA 30mm Series Deck
Vaperz Cloud have produced the Valkyrie 30mm series deck, simply screw out the old deck in your existing Valkyrie and screw the series deck in, still featuring the same great 4 hole postless deck however this deck is set in a res-no-res configuration meaning that instead of the resistance of a coil being halved when installing 2 coils its actually doubled, for example if you were to install 2x 0.4ohm coils in the standard deck this would ohm out at 0.20ohm however on the series deck it will read at 0.8ohm.
What are the benefits?
As the name suggests its intended for use with series box mods, you are able to use your favorite RTA on your favorite box mod! with little risk to melting insulators, damaging your batteries or a extremely hot vape.
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